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Journal Articles

Development and implementation of GloveBox Cleanout Assistance Tool (BCAT) to detect the presence of MOX by computational approach

Nakamura, Hironobu; Nakamichi, Hideo; Mukai, Yasunobu; Hosoma, Takashi; Kurita, Tsutomu; LaFleur, A. M.*

Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2017/04

In order to maintain facility nuclear material accountancy (NMA) and safeguards properly, to understand where and how much holdup deposit in the process is presence is very important for the cleanout before PIT. JAEA and LANL developed a GloveBox Cleanout Assistance Tool (BCAT) to help cleanout (MOX powder recovering in a glovebox) for invisible holdup effectively by computational approach which is called distributed source-term approach (DSTA). The BCAT tool is a simple neutron measurement slab detectors and helps operator to find locations of holdup. To know the holdup location and the activity from the neutron measurements, the relation between BCAT measurements results at predetermined positions (57 positions) and source voxels (53 voxels) that we want to know the holdup activity was mathematically defined as a matrix by the MCNPX simulation. The model of MCNPX for entire process is very precisely established. We have implemented and experimentally proved that the BCAT tool can direct the operator to recoverable holdup that would otherwise be accounted for as MUF. Reducing facility MUF results in a direct improvement of the facility NMA. The BCAT enables the staff to significantly improve their knowledge of the locations of residual holdup in the process area. JAEA would like to use this application for dismantling of the glovebox with transparency in the future.

Journal Articles

Improved holdup blender assay system (IBAS) slope validation measurements to improve nuclear material accountancy of high alpha holdup

LaFleur, A. M.*; Nakamura, Hironobu; Menlove, H. O.*; Mukai, Yasunobu; Swinhoe, M. T.*; Marlow, J. B.*; Kurita, Tsutomu

Proceedings of 37th ESARDA Annual Meeting (Internet), p.435 - 441, 2015/08

The IBAS (Improved Holdup Blender Assay System) system for safeguards and nuclear material accountancy (NMA) of holdup measurements is used at PCDF. The purpose of this detector is to measure the doubles rate from each glovebox in order to determine the mass of Pu holdup. In order to establish calibration curves for the IBAS detector and improve the holdup measurement methodology, JAEA conducted the IBAS calibration exercise with LANL support using MOX standards in 2010. In 2011, a cleanout exercise was performed and the results showed that the holdup removed from the glovebox had a significantly higher alpha term (alpha = 15.8 - 31.5) than the MOX standards (alpha = 0.67) used to establish the 2010 calibration curves. To further investigate these findings, JAEA conducted slope validation measurements in 2013 to confirm the validity of IBAS calibration slopes for the case of high alpha holdup. This paper describes the IBAS slope validation tests, analysis of the experimental results, and the evaluation of the need for a correction factor for the high alpha holdup. Quantifying the alpha term of the holdup in each glove box and understanding how this value changes over time is important to improving the overall NMA at PCDF. The results from this work will provide invaluable experimental data that directly supports safeguards and NMA measurements of plutonium holdup in gloveboxes.

Journal Articles

Design and implementation of $$^{10}$$B+$$^{3}$$He integrated continuous monitor (BHCM) to holdup monitoring in glove boxes

Mukai, Yasunobu; LaFleur, A. M.*; Nakamura, Hironobu; Menlove, H. O.*; Swinhoe, M. T.*; Marlow, J. B.*; Kurita, Tsutomu

Proceedings of INMM 55th Annual Meeting (Internet), 8 Pages, 2014/07

In order to improve the safeguards and nuclear material accountancy of holdup measurements and establish an alternative technology for $$^{3}$$He shortage, we have designed the $$^{10}$$B + $$^{3}$$He Integrated Continuous Monitor (BHCM) and implemented the measurements to continuously monitor the holup in gloveboxes at Plutonium Conversion Developoment Facility. In this paper, we present the outline of BHCM, the comparison between MCNP simulations and the measured results in preliminaly test and a demonstration of process monitoring ability during operation to see the relation between Totals trend and operational status by using $$^{10}$$B detection tubes.

JAEA Reports


; ; ; ; ; ; Yoshida, Mika

PNC TN8440 97-001, 39 Pages, 1996/11



Journal Articles

Experimental study for dynamic behavior of cryogenic distillation columns separating H-D-T system

Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Okuno, Kenji; Enoeda, Mikio; Amano, Junzo; Hayashi, Takumi; Naruse, Yuji; Sherman, R. H.*

Fusion Technology, 21(2P2), p.948 - 953, 1992/03

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:35.29(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Simple model for dynamic simulation of stage separation processes with very volatile components

AIChE Journal, 32(5), p.872 - 874, 1986/00

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:54.24(Engineering, Chemical)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Design Study for Experimental System of Hydrogen/Deuterium Distillation

; ;

JAERI-M 85-188, 43 Pages, 1985/11


no abstracts in English

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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